
By Madchickenwoman

Dogs, birds and water!

Took Lucy into Cotehele today -  sunshine and only a few dog walkers around. We went into the woods, past the mill and up to the weir. Lucy was ultra patient as I took photographs of the wonderful water. I had for the first time let her off her lead - thought she had done a runner many times( as if with that portly body and stubby legs?!!!) Trouble was she stuck close to my side  in my blindspot with all my layers on!!! She is obviously not used to being off lead and needed the security of being as close to my feet as possible!!
Such a gorgeous day - actually saw the birds that were singing too! Managed to get a photo of the robin who had the most beautiful song.
Back to reality with a bump when I got home as whilst cleaning the coop in the garden discovered not only had the rat found a way to get under the run, digging a very large tunnel, it had been gnawing at the door frame into the nesting area! Don't know whether it was after Milly and Tilly or just thought there must be something edible behind the door from experience! "If the humans want to keep me out there must be food there! " So many stones later I think I have rat proofed the coop! But I'm afraid rat bait it is - peaceful coexistence obviously not possible. Rats - literally and metaphorically.
Highlights of the walk here!

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