Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

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the parents decided a last min trip to plymouth,
madness, but hey keeps them happy!
I was a grump at first, till I had food,
well if you can call it food....s
sat in a chair I grab a pot, tip it up,
Nose down I lick.......OMG.....
I jerk back, face screwed, eyes watering,
I grab my tongue, pull, twist, yelp,
My nose twitching, I let out a sneeze,
Shaking I frantically try to rescue my mouth,
the parents laughing as they say,
well that will teach you for trying pepper...!!!!
It was awful, so so bad, so bad in fact,
I did it again a few mins later,
this time though tears followed, Nope didn't like that!
Once I survived lunch, I had a huge nap,
woke up on plymouth hoe, were I ran round for ages,
the sun shining, beautiful views, I giggle as I escape,
I fall head first into a bush, come out happy with a flower,
we walked into town, bribed daddy for a toy in disney store,
and then into primark,
were I decided to show off my sense of style,
don't I just look fabulous darlin!
It was soon time for home, it was a long day,
tiring, but great to be able to spend the day as a family,
something we haven't done in a while :)

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