Red Flash

By RedFlash

Bad hair day

The day didn't start well when I put conditioner on my hair before I had washed it. So then I put shampoo on it and left both in. I wouldn't recommend it. My hair feels like I have put glue in it.

Blipped on the way into work which was just as well as I never made it out of the building until I went to choir practice.

Lunch consisted of a miscellaneous assortment of food that people gave me as they could see that I was a bit stressed. Probably the healthiest one was the Solero

Choir practice was the last one before the performance next week so we were practicing with the organ and trumpet. If you are a singer you will know how that can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

About the photo:

A rose by the railings of St Pauls with a large family of green fly. To see the green fly better go Large

Long Bus made it to the spotlight - thank you

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