A lick of paint?
Wild weather! Sun, wind, hail. We had an intrepid search for a bit of dereliction this morning and were severely hampered by weather and briars but managed several investigations. This old house sits with a companion right next to a small winding road. The companion is boarded up and eyeless but this one still retains the feeling of a home with daffoldils gamely pushing up through the long grass. The tin of paint does look a little over optimistic though. I peered in through the window - the usual things even down to the key patterned lino Himself captured some weeks back in a different house; and lashings of blue paintwork. Obviously choices in patterns and colours were limited back in the day.
This afternoon I've been working in the polytunnel - cleaning and clearing and digging. It's nearly ready for action.
In case you hadn't heard, there is news of SarumStroller. Hopefully he will rejoin us soon.
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