Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

"freedom" says Dris

Dris is enjoying his walks off the lead again running free, hunting, pointing and of course jumping!! I think its funny in this photo that his id tag is pointing straight up in the air!

Been doing some paperwork and organising where stock is to go in the next few weeks here and on the farm where we manage the stock. Trying to move things around to rest grazing a wee bit before it is used for the calving and lambing. Looking at what supplies I will need to order in and what needs to be done before we are too busy to do it.

Mainly I'm just hoping that the grass starts growing and we have an on schedule spring. We keep getting hints of the grass coming and then a cold snap that stops it again. All fingers and toes crossed here.

5c 20mph W wind bringing in wintery showers. 15mm rain from yesterday am until today am.

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