Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Admiring the view

It was dry and still this morning so I took the opportunity to head out the back of one of our hills to get some ewes back. They had got into a bit of our land that was once set aside as an environmentally sensitive area so it became very rough and overgrown with goat willow. Ordinarily I don't mind the sheep going in there but as they become more heavily pregnant it becomes very hard going on them to get them out. They must have headed in there for shelter in the gales. I had noticed that they weren't all coming to the feeding so presumed they had decided to shelter instead. It was mainly a group of gimmers who are just about to be 2 years old and this will be their first time lambing so they are fitter than the rest anyway.

Had a plumber in fixing hot water tanks in the cottages and servicing our boiler this afternoon. Its raining and misty outside now if I went to where I took the photo this morning it would all be mist!!

8c S 2mph wind dry in the morning and wet this afternoon.

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