Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Castle Breakwater...

I had my morning all planned. Walk to an area that I haven't visited since I was a child,  hopefully find an amazing acceptable photograph to blip and then walk home via Waitress to buy lots of packs of their roasted and salted habas fritas. But by the time I was showered and dressed it was pouring with rain. I love walking in the rain but it isn't always easy trying to keep the lens dry. I grabbed a few shots at the Salerie Corner then walked straight on to Waitress to buy my favourite snack. Habas fritas are broad beans...

The postman arrived just as I got home and he delivered my new passport which will be one of the last to be printed in Guernsey because, they will be printed in the UK from next month. It's lovely to once again have a passport that doesn't have United Kingdom written all over the front of it. Instead it has British Isles Bailiwick of Guernsey. And it only took 2 weeks for it to be issued. 

None of that really helped me get a decent blip. Luckily the rain stopped by lunchtime so I wandered walked briskly (so that my Fitbit was happy) down to the Castle Breakwater and this was the best I can offer today. 

The forecast is for better weather tomorrow so I better make plans...

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