Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Saints Harbour

As forecast it was a beautiful morning; though it is raining now. So I set off quite early for another cliff walk. This time I started by walking through The Water Lanes to Moulin Huet (Huet is pronounced "Wet"), then on to Saints Harbour , finishing at Icart Point (Icart is pronounced "e-car), where I walked to the bus stop to go back to town.

Moulin Huet is Renois country because during his visit to Guernsey in 1883 he painted about 15 views of the bay and beach at Moulin Huet.

I didn't walk right down to Saints Bay but went straight around to Saints Harbour but my most vivid memory of Saints Bay was being there for a barbecue at which much alcohol was consumed, one evening in the 1970s. As we were packing up the police arrived to check that the bonfire was safely put out and just wandered around having a word with some of us. In my less than sober state I assured the policeman that my boyfriend and I would be leaving the car where it was and walking home. The policeman said that would be a very long walk and surely my boyfriend would much rather drive. Attitudes were very different in those days!

Icart Point used to be a favourite place of ours when I was a child. We would walk on the cliffs then have a cup of tea and a cake (mum and dad) or ice-cream (me) at the Toby Jug tea rooms. 

I did process most of the photographs with the Nik Collection but have relented and blipped a full colour one today. The only problem I am finding with this Nik Collection is that I am spending more and more time editing photographs. That and spending more time out walking to keep the Fibit happy and take the photographs to process means that there isn't enough time left for me to get to commenting on everyone else's photographs. I hope you're happy that getting the photographs is worth my lack of comments.

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