
By Knottman2


From an excitement point of view I wish I had been there when it came down. Might have made a good shot.
Both Mrs. K. and I are involved in the Charitable Trust which takes care of these woodlands which border the estuary and are in the centre of the village. They are a great community asset.

However some of our large Beech trees are getting old. Beech has a tendency to rot unseen in its higher reaches and then unpredictably to drop large branches. Earlier this week one of our Trustees noticed that a large branch was coming away from the main trunk and leaning on a neighbouring Oak.
Action stations. Close one of the footpaths with notices an ropes. Contact our Tree Surgeon. He shoots up trees with spiked boots and a rope round the trunk and a chain saw hanging from his waist.
Sadly his verdict was that there was much damage lower down the tree and we all agreed that it had to come down
The result you can see.

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