
Further to recent events, I've come to the conclusion that the best way forward for me is to make my journal private. If you don't already subscribe and would like to keep up with my very mundane journal (you never know, it might get slightly less mundane with a more select audience) then feel free to add yourself I can delete you if I don't want you... haha kidding!. If you're not a blipper and you follow from afar, I'm afraid you'll have to sign up and create yet another empty account in order to subscribe. The guest feature is no longer an option which is a shame but that doesn't fill the numbers quota. Still, it'll increase the membership numbers without actually increasing real live journals. Good job!

To make my journal private goes against the grain really. The community aspect is disappearing fast. However, I'm looking at it as a positive because it means I'll be able to keep my little community together and hopefully feel less exposed and more inclined to actually share my days again. I'm going to stop commenting on people I don't subscribe to, mainly because I think its unfair that I comment on their journals when they can't see mine. It seems like the right thing to do. 

I really don't think it's fitting with the ethos of what blip used to be about but I think the time has come to accept that it's a very different place now. Things change and we have to move with the times but I don't like the thought that by posting a daily entry, I automatically agree to the terms and conditions set by Blip and make everything available to be shared anywhere they choose. It used to piss me off when my stuff was shared to Facebook... although I think it's only happened once but I very deliberately keep my journal separate to Facebook, if I want to share them, I'll make that choice. 

I realise that as soon as you put something on the internet, it's there for people to copy/steal/share as they see fit. However, this place has always felt like a little safe haven of like-minded people who share a part of themselves every day, quid pro quo and all that. Whilst it's been available to the general public, they'd have to know where to look for it rather than it being easily searchable. I never post photos that I'm ashamed of, that I wouldn't want my parents to see all that shit is in a fake name... ha! or that I really wouldn't want to come back and bite me on the ass but I do like to choose what's shared. I'm a control freak... what did you expect?

So there you have it... 24 hours and I'm switching to one of those pesky hidden blippers... come hide with me or don't... that's the thing with informed choice... it's yours to make. 


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