
By robpal79

You Are Going To Burn the House Down

I saw this bike rack in the parking garage next to this giant water feature in Uptown Park of Houston Texas, near the galleria.  When I walked inside the noise was so powerful, it pulsed through my body and I felt a vibration from the world that I never felt before.  I felt it pushing the sickness out of my body.  Luckily I was gripping onto my venti soy chai latte from Starbucks so I possessed special powers and I didn't levitate into the abyss, but stayed grounded and possessed by the water, the rock, the power of nature and matter and atoms.  

My rod iron bed came from a farm in Idaho I believe.  It was shipped to NYC and provided me with many nights of restful sleep.  It moved with me to Houston and changed colors a few times and slowly became the bed that slept no more.  As I sit in this hotel in Las Vegas, I hear the noise from Fremont Street and feel less alone.

Tomorrow is a new day.  I've been sober from meth since February 9th and I'm really hopeful that tomorrow will bring another day of sobriety.  My spirit can't take rehab.  I am so tired of being locked up, which is what everyone says that I need.  But I know I need to be out in the world.  I need peace, I need love, and I need to gain back the power in my life that somehow, somewhere I lost along the way.

Some say I have made the wrong decision.  GO BACK.  Its the only way.  But is it.  I'm a runner.  Yes, I'm a runner.  I'm on the road, and I don't know where I'm going and I don't know what I'm going to do when I get there.  But somehow, some way, that is me taking back my power.  I can do this.  Please believe.  Send your love and prayers and pray for good messengers to float into my world of chaos and disfunction.  I love the world but I hate the hate that comes with so many of gods children.  It fills me with rage that I must check on a regular basis.  Sometimes I wish I could set up my rod iron bed in the middle of swaying in the wind wheat field and just dream under the stars hearing the noise of the silent cries of the night shimmering through the creatures of the far way forest.  I am one of God's Children.  I'm just lost.  I need help.  But I'm Leaving Las Vegas.  The Lights so Bright.  Palms Sweat. Black Jack On A Saturday Night.  I'm Leaving Las Vegas.  I'm Leaving for Good.  I'm Leaving for Good.  

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