
By ottolizzie

Day Care Drawings

Over the summer I volunteered at a Day Care Center.  It isn’t far from my house, so I would walk there every Tuesday and Thursday.  I went to this same Day Care when I was about three years old, and I didn’t end up leaving until I was about twelve because I was in the on and off the bus program.  During the day the little kids have preschool, but before and after elementary school there are school aged kids who wait to get on and off the bus  and they have a place to be if their parents go to work early or come home late.  I recently started volunteering again after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I leave school and go straight to Day Care.  When I get there, the preschoolers are waking up from their naps.  One by one a teacher wakes them up and sends them over to the adjacent classroom for another teacher to put their shoes on and give them a snack.  After they are done eating their snack they can play with the toys in the classroom and wait for someone to pick them up. After a lot of preschool kids have been picked up, the remaining kids move up to the other classrooms to be with the remaining school kids.  I enjoy helping at Day Care.  I read stories, play games, and draw pictures with them.  I think it is nice for the teachers too because there are another set of eyes on the children to make sure they stay out of trouble.  These are a few of the pictures that the kids have drawn and colored for me. 

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