
I took this in a brief moment of blue sky on my way to work. I have passed this building many times as it is on my route to work. Until today I did not know its purpose and never really got in a position to take it. The traffic was slow so I was able to take a quick pic on my iPhone and managed a decent attempt. So there it is. It is used by the local council to store grit. Lovely shape for a building despite its somewhat more mundane purpose.

So have a good weekend folks. My daughter arrives tonight and we will go off tomorrow for our fourth annual visit to a restaurant which has become a landmark for my continued survival see here for last year's visit.
The second year in 2013 was captured here
So a great landmark, now over three years survival and, a check up in ten day's time to see if my new treatment is working. So it's a good weekend all round.

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