Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Current favourites

I didn't manage to get out with the camera today!

The next thing at the camera club is still life - I very rarely try any and am not sure if I have much of an idea how to get started - perhaps I need to decide if I am really interested or not.

While there is still life in this old dog I will be eating plenty of Longley Farm Blueberry Yogurt - they are from Yorkshire so probably claim its the best Yogurt in the known universe or something like that - well it is the best I have tasted to date.

My current favourite combination does not include the Yogurt but is the best flapjack I have ever found Dark Chocolate and Ginger which should be eaten with Ethiopain Yirgacheffe Coffee  - from Grumpy Mule or M&S as it was today - I see the Coffee Judge says M&S Coffees
are probably Taylors of Harrogate but that's another story.

So Why Cafe Direct Costa Rica (Tarrazu) in the photo ?
 - well that is my current favourite even without a flapjack.

My modern lifesaver is Ricola (Sugar Free )  Improved recipe
it just makes me feel better at any time of day or night - probably some sort of placebo effect - but it works so don't try to tell me it doesn't.

Bananas  - one a day reliable energy and minerals apparently.

Cookies - what cookies  ?   - none to see here

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