
By LadyPride

The early bird....

...catches the blip, or in this case - the most beautiful light coming through the blinds in the lounge at 6am and casting shadows from the leaves outside. Insomnia has its benefits.

Woke up with stomach cramps this morning and had a panic that labour had started! All OK now so just one of many false alarms to come over the next few weeks am sure. Husband drove home from work at lunch to look after me though which was a bonus. Better not cry wolf too many times! I could get used to this.

Weather's glorious which is just as well as its my little sister's hen do in Majorca and I'm missing it (as can't fly) so would be pretty depressed if it was raining in England too! Being pregnant means giving up lots of things but I'll be damned if I'm going to miss her actual wedding (on my due date). Did you hear that baby? You've been warned.

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