A Wedding on the Beach

Every man and his dog were out enjoying the beautiful day all be it hot and muggy. There was a Surf fest.....a wedding......and more photographers with their massive kit bags than I care to mention.I love my little Sony A7R...such a perfect size for me.

I watched this guy taking pics of the Bride and Groom for a while ..to me it did not look like much fun and the other guy who was sitting in his chair with his HUGE kit was taking pics of the Surfers...I guess I was just happy to be wandering unencumbered to anything in particular to take pics of.

Did some trawling around the coast line looking for access to spots which would be great for some long exposures......later...still not up to serious photo taking yet and the outing with my friend no matter how fabulous it was left me feeling really knackered.

I can't wait for daylight saving to piss off and for the weather to get a little cooler.

Early night for me.

“In character, in manner, in style, in all the things, the supreme excellence is simplicity”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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