Wet wet wet
Yesterday's brief burst of sunshine was short-lived. Just as I was making plans last night for a day's gardening today, I heard the drip drip drip outside that tells me the rain is pouring off the roof again. And it hasn't really stopped much today. I managed a slightly less rainy than it might have been excursion to collect CarbBoy from his sleepover. The hostess said they went to sleep at 1am... CarbBoy reported 3am... An early night tonight I think!
In the next brief gap in the downpour I wandered about the garden admiring the mounds of daffodils coming up all over the place, and then spotting with surprise the bulbs coming up all round the veg garden (and then vaguely remembering planting them). The green manure has done its job of making the garden look tidier improving soil texture, and the leeks are coming on a treat. All the bulbs from last year are bursting forth, despite having no care at all and I think we will be overwhelmed with tulips in a few months.
And, obviously, the dwarf irises are shedding the rain in fine style. I wish now I'd planted them in a pot so I could have had them near the house to admire, instead of having to go to the old tomato planter next to the big pile of compost bags!
Yesterday I liberated some plants from the supermarket (I always feel rather sorry for the reduced plants and try to give them a good home) but I think they might be cursing me for removing them from their warm dry home... I think Mr B's new car has a towbar; perhaps hitching a boat to the back might be a good idea.
In other news, almost all of my day has been spent de-glitching my life. The tumble dryer has broken. So I read and re-read the instruction manual for hints, but ended up with the tried and tested technique of furiously pressing all the buttons in various combinations until something worked. The other glitch is that the PC the kids use for minecraft has been infected with something nasty. Something that was preventing me from accessing the anti-virus software and 'uninstall' features. After a 3 hour battle, I finally won (I think) but it really shakes your faith in on-line purchasing when you're not entirely sure if you are the only power in charge of your machine. AVG installed, scans run, things deleted, and I feel a bit more comfortable. And the kids have endured the 'downloads are dangerous even if, ESPECIALLY IF, they're free' lecture.
I take back all I said recently about Apple. I had totally forgotten about the battles I had with malware on my old PC. (But I'm sticking to my guns on iTunes, which officially sucks.)
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