
By Mindseye

Operation Birthday!

Firstly just want to say a big thank you to all you lovely blippers for your thoughts and good wishes for youngest sons op. It's all done now, have spoken with him, doesn't remember a thing, we will know more tomorrow regarding how successful it's been. If alls well should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. Then it will be a similar op in 6/8 weeks on his good eye, once they are happy that all is well post op.

Just a quick blip today, as not really focused on taking pictures, so after we'd dropped youngest son off, I took this from the 5th floor of the multi storey car park opposite the Royal Liverpool Eye Hospital. It was absolutely freezing and blowing a gale, I was trying to steady my camera, but was almost blown off my feet!

It was quite a clear day, as you can see, so an across the rooftops view of the Liver Buildings down on the waterfront, which is a good few miles away from where we were!

After we dropped our daughter in law off at her mums, hub and I went off to have some lunch to make sure his birthday didn't slip by without any recognition. He got some lovely cards and presents......spoilt as usual :-)

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