The lady librarian...... giving me an old fashioned look!
I come in here ,scuttle off to the computer  and proceed to rant and rave at BT.....all to no avail as they have heard it all before (ManyTimes, it would appear.... seems Im not the only person not wholly satisfied with their service!!),and they continue at their snails pace regardless.    Leaving a patient and rather nice lady in India to bear the brunt of my rants!
Have given up on Orange seems their signal only exists within 10' of a motorway !!

And then the librarian watches out of the corner of her eye as I scan photos on a "dodgy website",and then ....horror of horrors.... I upload this photo onto it!!!!    And squint as she might;she just cant make it out!!
Think tomorrow I will come in a raincoat ,homburg and dark glasses:-D
Thank you for listening to my rant....will go away a little calmer  :-))

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