
Does watching Fawlty Towers sometimes make you feel uncomfortable?  I mean, sure, it's often acutely funny but being drawn from close observation of folk like us can sometimes hit a nerve.  In my line of work I deal with all sorts of people, quite a few of whom I might describe as rejects from the 'Last of the Summer Wine' cast list.  Today after a bizarre sequence of events including a transvestite, several folk with poor English and more than one with few manners I had something of a Basil Fawlty moment.  Not normally my style at all but we all have our breaking point!  

I took some time out and recovered my equilibrium ..... and my sense of humour :-)  After work I noticed this scene as I walked back to the car, a faulty clock (it was 1015pm) with it's shadow cast onto a derelict car park.  Doubt the weather vane is much use, being walled in by multi-storeys on all four sides!  Seemed to fit my crazy day.

Tomorrow will be better.

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