Year Three

By RobotChicken

C&W Estate Sales

A couple of months ago, a company run by two ladies we know rented the semi-commercial building we own.

I didn't really know what they did when we first met them a year ago.

Essentially they go into a house that's full of junk and dispose of it via an estate sale. Owner could be dead and they are clearing a house, or the owner could be alive and kicking and just has a lot of stuff they need to get rid of (the owner will usually be moving).

So they wander round, price stuff up, work to a commission, and then get the stuff sold.

What they do is absolutely fascinating.

Late last year they really needed to get a commercial space, which we just happened to have. So they rented it.

And today they opened their new little store. Which was nice. We went over to give our support. And eat all the nibbles they put out. 

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