All done.

So here we all are - well not me obviously as I am taking the photo. Nor the children because they are all upstairs watching Dalmations in bed. Not my Dad either because he rather inconsiderately died on us. But today has been all about him.

The committal at the Crem went well - barring the wrong music going in and the wrong dates on the 'program'. Anyway, Dad had left some instructions so Chris read a prayer and there was just a simple spray of red roses.

Then back to Mum's with friends and family from afar for lunch, which was a great opportunity to catch up with a selection of Mum and Dad's cousins.

Onto Selby Abbey for a celebration of Dad's life. Bella was up first and read to the 200+ congregation the poem she write the night we told her that her Grumpsy had days left to live. She did it brilliantly and set the bar for me to read my blip of a few weeks ago (Dear Mum and Dad), Chris to read the poem again and 4 other friends to read their tributes. we came out to a splendid rendition of Widor's Toccata!

The final hurdle was the 'party' at The Parsonage. A lovely evening with friends and family sharing happy memories. The sun shone and the children laughed and played on the grass. My Dad would have loved it!

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