Comedy from beyond the grave...

When we were a lot younger, Mum and Dad used to take us camping to a village called Beaumes De Venise in France. The village is famous for it's Muscat de Beaumes de Venise - a dessert wine.

Last summer we returned to Beaumes as a slightly larger family - My parents, my brother and his family and all of us. We all went to Bouletin to buy up half the cellar a few bottles, the Muscat to be saved for Christmas and other special occasions.

Tonight Ben cooked for Mum and I. He also bought us some rather lovely puddings, so we decided to finish off the half bottle of Muscat on the sideboard left from Christmas.

Mum took a sip and declared it a little sharp. Ben took a sip and declared it corked. I took a sip and declared it whiskey!

Seems my Dad had drunk the Muscat and replaced it with whiskey...

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