Swept Off Her Feet

After taking one of those reflective shots at the bus stop last week I got a funny look from someone and went inside to explain myself. It was suggested that there couldn't possibly be anything interesting to photograph around Market Square. I might have thought the same a couple of years ago. I will admit that there are still days when I leave the office in a bit of a stupor and wonder how on earth I'm going to find an interesting photograph. But something always turns up. And I never really cease to be amazed by that, despite the fact that I've grown now to trust in that very expectation.

I was chatting to Susan here, angling to take a portrait, but she wasn't so keen on the idea. I had the camera out ready, as you do, going through my patter, when suddenly this man launched in for a kiss. Instinct took over and I caught the moment. Susan is born and bred in Shipley and has lived here pretty much all her life. She escaped to Eccleshill for 5 years but never settled. She felt like a foreigner there and moved back. I feel this sense of community here like no other place I've ever known. People look out for each other. Paul turned out to be a good friend. He couldn't resist. And after this moment, how could she refuse posing for me, with a twinkle in her eye! By the way, Eccleshill is all of 3 miles away from Shipley!

The long grind goes on but I'm still making steady progress. I'm am getting just a little worried about all the other important things that I'm ignoring though! That includes you lot too. I'm sorry not to have been able to reply to any of your wonderful comments. I really appreciate you patience. I hope this brings a smile to the face this evening. It has put one on mine.

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