From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Scraping the bottom of the bird cage.....

I heard in the shower today that it was Shakin' Stevens' 67th birthday. I remember finding a sticker in my Smash Hits magazine of him years ago. Mom was a big fan and stuck it on her locker at work. He was wearing a shocking pink jacket with a black shirt underneath. One of her work friends drew big glasses on Shaky. After careful consideration, I have decided NOT to have Shakin' Stevens' This Ole House as my track today.

I was a bit later getting back home after work due to the bus stops coming from Solihull moving about without telling me! I left work slightly later than normal too with people talking to me just before I was due to leave. So unreasonable!

It was a slightly different day to normal in the office. The day started normally with my brief trip to McDonalds for my tea before trundling up to the council house. My door was already open which I was glad about as it was a freezing start to the day.

We had the first of our two temporary student workers starting today. They will each be doing different days but will be sat opposite me when they are in, working on the Care First (social services) system. It was Jonathan's turn today. He was pleasant enough.

Of course I don't mind but the hardest part for me is being restrained, polite and civilised for the few hours I am in on a Wednesday. I'm not really dreadful normally but let's just say I have been known to let the occasional unfortunate phrase slip out and know that my bawdy humour is often more suited to a factory floor than a council office.

I wandered out at lunchtime for mealworms from Robert Dyas and a spare iPhone cable from the Apple store but I didn't stay out long.

I went back for a busy afternoon. Caroline in the Care First team remarked that I'd clearly been on my best behaviour all day before I left. It was a big strain!

The bright sunshine made picture taking really difficult from my kitchen window when I eventually got back. This was my favourite picture of the starling and dove together although it's not great quality.

Track? A couple of buskers in Mell Square murdered this Lynyrd Skynyrd number at lunchtime. I must play the original to obliterate the memories - Sweet Home Alabama

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