From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Rain all you want now!

That was a very busy day! I am drowning in new starters and people needing mileage expense claiming adding to their accounts. How I got a couple of report amendments out at the same time I'll never know.

Anyway, I glanced out of the window after furtively eating my egg toastie - I always think the birds will be upset if they observe me eating eggs - to see the postie stood outside the front of the house. A minute later, the little red Royal Mail van pulled up and the postie got a long, tubular package out of the back of the van, dumped it in the porch and then the two men drove off. Can you imagine how excited I was? It was my new umbrella! I couldn't wait to get it out and try it. I should have gone outside but didn't and tried it out in the hallway.

Seriously, it's the best umbrella I have ever had! It's black with the occasional silvery white 'Storm' logo on it and where the handle on my old one was silvery, this is matt black. It's a Kensington Walker and has the most wonderful smooth action when you press the button. My old umbrella squeaked as I walked along, had a small hole where a big cheerful black dog had run off with it below Edinburgh Castle years ago and the water would occasionally build up and splash though. It also was a bit bent where I'd got it caught in a revolving door once. All in all, maybe I was due a new one after ten years of loyal service?

Tesco Man arrived about five minutes later. I think I scared him actually as I don't imagine he gets many mad customers raving on about new umbrellas. I stopped short of giving him a demonstration though! By the way, it was a beautiful sunny day here for a change. Tesco Man pointed out that it probably wouldn't rain for the rest of the year now. It would be good if that was the case although I must confess I am looking forward to the next big deluge now!

When I was about 5, mom bought me my first umbrella when we lived in Germany. It was a bright blue and I'm not kidding, it didn't rain for nearly two months. I would look hopefully up at the sky every morning but there was no rain. Dad invited a man he worked with in the army and his girlfriend around for dinner one Saturday. Anyway, the heavens opened in the middle of the meal and I screeched with joy and taking my umbrella ran out the patio doors down the garden dancing in the rain! Mom half killed me afterwards when I eventually came back in half drowned. It was a pretty little umbrella but wasn't really designed for monsoon weather!

I would have taken a picture of it with Bony demonstrating but this little bird put in a late show - not very elegant though! - and the brolly can wait for another day... I'm just wondering whether to order another one?

Do you want to see this large?

Track? This is my absolute favourite from The Hollies - Bus Stop

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