
By Legacy

It's Cherry Blossom Time

Hard to believe but there are cherry blossoms galore around here.  And that’s not the only evidence of spring.   The crocus are up, the daffodils are blooming and there are buds everywhere.  The downside of all this spring stuff is that we have no snow and people are already speculating on the possibility of a drought or water rationing this summer, so we could be in trouble.  For the moment however, it’s beautiful and we’re enjoying “spring” whether it’s officially here or not.   

I’m deeply involved in camera research and preparing for a visit to our local, eminently helpful camera shop in Seattle, Glazer’s, where the salespeople are knowledgeable, unbelievably patient, really, really helpful, and maybe a tiny bit intimidating.  All the more reason to be prepared, I say.  I want to sound reasonably intelligent when I get there and start discussing camera choices.  I’ve amassed a huge amount of research and am desperately trying not to get lost in all the technical information.  My target is a bridge camera and I’ve narrowed my choices to a manageable number,  a couple of which are given high marks by blippers I admire – the Canon Powershot SX60 (KevinV) and the Panasonic DMC FZ1000 (ArtistAnnie).  There are a few more in the running – the soon to be released Nikon P610, the highly rated Sony RX10, the Canon SX50 and the Nikon P600.  Just to make sure that we never run out of choices, Nikon is releasing the P900 in May.  Unfortunately, I can’t wait for that one, even though I’m a big Nikon fan, because I want the camera for my trip to England in June and I don’t want to be reading the manual and trying to figure out how to operate the camera en route.

Sorry about all that – my head hurts too.  I’ve arrived at the conclusion that if camera manufacturers would name their cameras in the same fashion that automobile manufacturers name cars, it would make things a lot easier.  Would I choose the Nikon Mustang, the Sony Speedster, the Fuji Thunderbird or the Panasonic Phantom?  Who knows, but at least I could remember them easier than all those unconnected letters and numbers.

Anyway, if any blippers out there would care to weigh in with a suggestion/recommendation, I’m all ears.  Thanks.

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