
By MamaOfBoys

He's growing up

Even faster than i realized.

As i write this I have no baby next to me in his cot. He's in Marleys room in his cot asleep.

I didn't think it would be so pulling at my heart!

Since he was tiny Harper was in his bassinet next to my bed then in his cot with the rail down sort of like a side car. He was able to crawl over to me in the night for a feed for or cuddle but not anymore.

He's entered the 'I'm not a baby' stage. He's a big boy who doesn't want to be carried or in his pram. He wants to walk. He wants to feed himself now.

I didn't think this would happen so early.

So tonight Andre and I rearranged the house and moved him.

He has been snacking a lot in the past few nights which is tiring so I'm keen to see if this changes that.

I can always move him back if after a while it doesn't work.

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