
By MamaOfBoys


That's the new word of the day. I was meant to say flooding and workers and I said Flooders.

This is just around the corner from us. There's a stream that runs through the suburb we live in and it burst its banks. All around the neighbourhood looks like this. Most of our road wasn't shut earlier and workers (or Flooders) were sand bagging a lot of the area nearly and redirecting traffic.

I got a text early that Kanyes school was shut . Mars school was open but said there was a lot of flooding so I just called him in. Not knowing how much worse the flooding in our yard and garage would get Andre stayed home from work.

I went for a walk earlier and it's pretty crazy how much flooding and rain there is.

Andres parents red stickered house around the corner that is going to be rebuilt soon has the stream running through the back yard so the flooding there was severe.

Glad it's starting to settle down now though!

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