FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Plans for today

which included some path laying, weeding, planting, and painting, went all to pot when MOH decided at 9.30 this morning to go for a haircut. Well, he's going a bit thin in the hair stakes so when I tell you that he was away for three hours you wouldn't be wrong if you came to the conclusion that he likes to talk. Unfortunately so does his mate the barber.

A quick lunch then off to Stirling to collect the car from the garage where it was having a wee paint job on one of the undersills, and a quick shop for some bedding plants and compost.

Four hours later and back home, the day almost gone with no sun gracing my body! After emptying the car, and a quick water of the greenhouse, a 15 minute sit in the sun with a can of coke while considering what to have for dinner.

Off to Tyndrum for fish and chips.

Headed home at 8.30 and realised I hadn't blipped. Luckily I had the camera in the car.

Quick stop off at Killin to photograph the Falls of Dochart but unfortunately they weren't 'falling' very far due to the lack of rain recently (am I complaining?)

So here they are - the spectacular a very small part of the Falls of Dochert ........

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