FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Talented youngsters ......

..... abound at Camphill Blair Drummond, both in the students and the C0-Workers.

Co-Workers come to work with us as voluteers for 1 or 2 years, some after leaving school but many on a gap year from university.

It never ceases to amaze how well these youngsters adapt to working with our residents, attending their every need without question and forming strong bonds which very often continue once they have returned home. They work long hard hours and take everything in their stride, without complaint.

Co-Workers mainly come from Hungary, Germany, South Korea, Brazil, and Japan. Some decide to stay on in permanent posts at Camphill Blair Drummond or stay on in Scotland to study at one of our universities.

Many of them have attended Steiner Waldorf schools as children and as such are multi talented in music and the arts.

This is one of our young German students who can often be found tightrope walking across Oak Alley during his lunch break.

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