
In the fourth day of this report writing you inevitability succumb to a period when you need to relax. So I experimented a bit with my new camera and took a simple object at my desk. I assume you can guess what it is? I can see people in the arrangements. Can you? Now back to the report

Day Four: first drafting

Took some big decisions this morning to try and present this work as a power point presentation. We have so much detail to cover but they want a guidance document which can be used with busy professionals who will groan at the weight of a detailed report. So taking that as my brief I spent the morning getting a design I could say yes that looks ok. I am at that position now. I have about two hours today and all tomorrow to transfer all the learning into the format. I feel on target.

Tonight I go for dinner with my close friends J and R and will be able to switch off and leave this until tomorrow. So early blip as I won't be back until late and a relaxing evening. It's been a good day so far!

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