Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Tada the fireplace is complete!!

Cant believe that we have transformed it from this to the above picture. I'm really pleased with it, even the colour which I bravely chose!! My dad was the handy man behind the fireplace surround and he has done a fantastic job with it. The collies featured in this is Bud in front of the stove and Duke on the sofa, these are two of my husbands working collies.

I walked the hill this morning gathering all my ewes into the hill park. After some calculations this afternoon I realise my lambing is due to start a week earlier than I had thought. I forgot I had brought it forward this year the reason I checked is I thought my ewes were looking heavier than they should!! Makes sense now. Glad I put my order in for lambs milk powder today. Better get on and order the rest of my lambing supplies soon. Will have to also crack on and medicate the flock before they are too heavy and too close to lambing to be handled.

Took  a look at ewe with the broken leg today, removed her splint and it is starting to knit gave the leg a wash with tea tree water and a dry and reapplication of her splint.

The mechanics have taken away the tractor to their workshop so sounds reasonably serious, I hope it will be fixed by next week.

8c 10mph sse dry in the morning then heavy drizzle showers looking dreich this afternoon.

PS the plaque on the fireplace came from my mother in law for Christmas, it makes me chuckle!!

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