
OMG - what a day. We've just staggered in having completed the penultimate seriously enormous loop walk . 16km - a lot of up, and quite a lot of down, biting winds on the top and treacherous terrain abounded. We skidded, squelched and clambered and Himself did go arse over tit fall over at one point but luckily bounced. Bog holes, loughs, cliff faces, drumlins, green tracks you name it we've walked it. We saw not a single human until we were nearly home but were almost accompanied by an entire flock of sheep who thought we had come to feed them. Their reproachful looks and plaintive bleats, I couldn't look them in the eye. My feet hurt and my cheeks are puce - sadly not sun but windburn I reckon. One small loop (on an island) and one even bigger one to go then we're done.

Home and we had a quick skype with son#2 who had just had a microadventure, bivying on a cliff edge - wild camping somewhere on the Gower!  It's not just us who are mad. Where does he get it from?

My little building is one of three smithies that used to be in Durrus. They are all tiny, one roomed and abandoned. There is still a forge  in the area but quite a posh one.

A glass of wine and a browse through DT challenge pix now.

The Blacksmith

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