Rescue flower
I am, through the use of flowers, convincing myself it is spring. The icy temperatures (ice on the car this morning) notwithstanding, I'm done with coats now. And I've taken the second duvet off the bed. Mind you, once we were back from shower tray shopping this afternoon, I decided against gardening. Very chilly wind out there, no point getting cold just to be a martyr, eh?
In other news, Castorama has the least motivated staff I have ever seen (that will not be news to anyone who has ever shopped there. It is genuinely astonishing that they are owned by B&Q where I used to find it hard to walk down any aisle without being asked if I needed any help), Sport mode on the new-to-us car is VERY cool and we are going to install a new(ish) shower in the most loony way possible. That probably won't be news to anyone either.
Gardening tomorrow. Whatever the weather. That passionflower vine is not going to move itself.
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