Glorious day today. Blue skies dawn till dusk, and hot enough this afternoon that I retreated to the shady garden for work.
I ignored the fact that I could seemingly do no right for anyone - if they're all in a bad mood that's their look out. And so instead I worked away in the garden - building a retaining (sort of) wall, digging, shoveling, pinning down weedstop fabric, digging over the bean bed and weeding everywhere. There was also quite a lot of chiseling plaster off quarry tiles.
One of these activities has broken me. I have pain under my collar bone that means I can't lift my arm. Ah well, a long hot bath, lots of ibuprofen and paracetamol and liberal application of some hot chinese embrocation seems to be doing the trick. And ribs and chips for dinner has the family back on side, so we can launch the weekend with a smile and a stripy sunset blip from the back steps.
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