My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Eventful evening...

After a long day at work I was walking home when I saw a girl sat on the side of the street struggling to breath and crying. I stopped to help while everyone around us pushed past her. It was clear she was having a panic attack and soon another lady stopped to help as well. We tried to help her up off the street into more space when she fainted. So we then had to ask some other people to help lift her up and into a nearby office while we called an ambulance. She came round and we sat with her while helping to try and calm her down. Everyone else left so I stayed with her while waiting for a paramedic to arrive. When he finally arrived we then spent the next two hours sat with her while she came through the panic attack. I had promised her I would stay with her as she looked so scared. She was a 20 year old student studying at the University of the Arts. She was Spanish and had only been in London a few months and lived on her own. Over the two hours the paramedic and I chatted slowly with her and we all shared stories and information. At just after nine she was well enough to walk and as I found out she only lived two streets away I was able to walk her home. She was such a sweet girl and it was great to see the transformation and see her go home smiling after seeing her so distressed.    

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