46 years!

16,790 days
402,960 hours
24,177,600 minutes
Over1,450 million seconds
Or 46 years ... today marks's that is how long we have been married. On our wedding day people said we wouldn't last six months- well I think we showed them!

We had another trip down to London.
First stop was Borough Market, where we had a tasty lunch:
Veggie curry for Mr P and halloumi burger for me.
A lovely walk in the sun along the South Bank of the Thames.
Stooped to blip the dome of St Paul's popping up on the skyline on the opposite side of the river ( my first in mono ).
Then to the theatre to see Di and Viv and Rose a play about three women and their friendship over a thirty year period. Super, would really recommend it .
Now home in Yorkshire after a top day out with my best friend and soulmate. Thank you Mr P.

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