
By krispit

Whole30 changed

So I have not completely kept to the Whole30. I've been working on changing my thoughts about food and how I use it and that is going well. I have tuned into the idea of hunger and ending mindless eating for no reason to the detriment of my body. I focus on allowing myself treats when it seems truly worth it, something very well made with quality ingredients that deserves a special place in my diet and then eating whole 30 the rest of the time.
I had these desserts tonight at a place called True Food Kitchen in Atlanta and they were made with quality foods and very original. A flour less chocolate cake, a berry tart, and chia banana coconut pudding (I shared them with Dale!) and it was the first time in a long time that I truly and sincerely appreciated how delicious they were. I've had so many desserts in my life and I just plow through them and then want more without giving them any savoring or appreciation. Tonight just felt different and I owe it to the whole 30 way of eating and thinking. I feel successful that even if I didn't make it a whole 30 days, I have worked towards this lifestyle change for about 6 weeks (with a small break in the middle) and feel changed in the way I can choose to look and be affected by food. I will continue to strive towards this ideal and enhance my everyday life by doing so. Thank you Whole30 program. I know I never have to eat anything I don't want to ever again. Much gratitude.

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