Seven minutes.
I timed it.
We were only seven minutes into the lesson before the word 'war' was mentioned...after that we managed to cover the topics of teachers strikes and the downside to being a beamter (just nod wisely, this really isn't something you need to care about) Greeks and Egyptians (back in the day when they were both at the forefont of civilisation) and then onto cancer, euthanasia (I'm pro, he's anti - seems to think if you're in a vegetative state there's a chance you might be having really great dreams and why should you be disturbed...) and the rights (or not) of those in the public eye, who sell their souls to the marketing man for a quick buck, to a private life.
Then I came home and had to listen to the Teen's synopsis of Bismarck (bilingual history exam today) apparently he was a bit of a w****r although he is credited with unifying Germany ....yawn, I just know there's a statue of him on my way out of town wearing a hat with a spike on it.
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