Catch up day

Catch up day today, arm-wrestling the garden into submission (if only), shopping (yawn) and catching up with Polly & Matt, who popped in to say hi (yipeeee). Two services tomorrow so need to get my head straight (wishful thinking). So today is a not-too-remarkable day for us, but on this day .....

- Roald Amundsen announced that his expedition had reached the South Pole (1911)
- St Thomas Aquinas, Italian priest and philosopher died (1274)
- Monopoly was invented (1933)
- Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone (1876)

Apparently, G. K. Chesterton wrote of Thomas Aquinas, "... the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, comforting him with the welcome news that he would never be a Bishop."

Amongst sayings attributed to Thomas;
- Sorrow can be alleviated by a good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine
- Beware of the person of one book
- Better to illuminate than to merely shine.

Today's blip is of clock weights.

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