Spontaneous Daffodils

As followers will know I do not cultivate in my garden. Flowers prosper on the principle of survival of the fittest and where I can get a blip I do!

Today I was in my way out to see my Mum and noticed that we had been visited by two daffodils, just appearing to the right of my front door. This was a lucky break and I took a few pics and got on my way. I did not get a chance to blip anything else and so as I have just arrived home I hoped my daffs had done me justice. Well you can be the judge of that.

My mum was in good form. She had a fall this week but a minor one and she seems to have recovered well from it. On the way back I was delayed on the A1 for over an hour, a nasty looking accident brought traffic to a complete standstill.

Home now and roast dinner awaits.

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