
5years 138days

Katie got up early but suggested she go into her room herself so I didn't have to get up yet! I was very grateful for this as I had only been asleep half an hour when she got up. We were meant to be going to a party this morning but she was adamant that she didn't want to go.

I made her a new swimming costume this morning and she was excited to wear it. She still wanted to go to Sunday School but as soon as church had finished she was pulling at me to go swimming. I think the mermaid scales had a positive effect, she was swimming her little heart out!

We came home for lunch and a play. We opened some pretty parcels that had arrived for her yesterday. We did homework- about baked beans. And yes one of her facts she wrote was "beans are yummy but they make you trump".

She fell asleep on the rug watching Top Gear on Iplayer!

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