5years 137days 

Ballet this morning. We were running a little late after a slight sleep in from Katie & getting the first half of her homework done, but we arrived just in time! We left straight from ballet for a wee trip to the beach. I had decided yesterday that we really needed some seaside time. We arrived to see the lovely Victoria & Jaden. Katie just about tolerated eating a bit of lunch but mainly just wanted to go play! We were waiting to see Jasmine, though it was testament to how much Katie wanted to see her that Katie didn't drag us straight out to the beach. When we did eventually get out, she ran straight along the top, down the slipway, dumping her shoes and socks to hurl herself headfirst into the sand. She dug like a dog, made sand angels, gathered stones and ran full speed into the sea. All within the first 10minutes. And repeated the process several times, dragging Jaden along the way. They had a wonderful time in the water, until it occurred to Katie she was actually chilly. Jumper-turned-leggings to the rescue until we got to Victorias, where she put on an outfit of ballet tights, leg warmers and PE shorts! 

We said goodbye and headed back to the seafront to meet Granny and Grandad. We had a wonderful meal at a new Italian restaurant. Katie ate everything put in front of her, despite it hitting bedtime before pudding had even arrived. It was a fantastic last minute plan, if ever there was! 

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