The Upper Lake, Glendalough

First of all, many thanks for the words of encouragement which flowed from all corners yesterday. I really do feel a bit mean whenever I post a picture and then don't have time to comment on yours because you deserve comments and feedback after going to the trouble of capturing and posting your blip of the day. With a bit of luck, normal service will be resumed tomorrow. Must mow the grass right now and if I get a few minutes before we go out, well you might be unlucky enough to be on the receiving end og a comment or two.
This is the Upper Lake in Glendalough here in the Wicklow National Park. The second most popular tourist destination in Ireland (after Killarney and the Ring of Kerry), it is a very beautiful place but difficult to photograph because of the sheer number of people who step in and out of shot. No such bother at 6.20am when we arrived. Yes, I did say WE. Mrs.Joesblip's surprised me by accepting the offer to accompany me and act as chief tripod bearer to the genius. Despite the fact that she is plainly not a morning person, she rose at 5.15am and as I say, we arrived on site before 6.30 and before another living soul turned up. Wonderful place on a scorching hot morning. My photo is but a pale reflection of reality. The only company we had were the birds and a myriad of flying insects, some of which were determined to have us for breakfast. We survived though and as a reward for our bravery, we had breakfast in the one and only hotel before coming home. It was such a good feeling to turn the key in the ignition just as the first three tourist buses disgorged their occupants and the peace and tranquility began to dissipate in a cacophony of human babble.

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