Another morning

hazed light upon the way to church, which is to say to hear john play the organ...promised beautiful bass last night, heard him play as we wandered in return towards the hotel, i murmured it's someone playing, he recognised chinghua, played flower of Scotland: the organ in St pauls was made in Glasgow he told me, his father sponsored by a scotsman to a Scottish education...I promised to go to service at 0800 to hear the organ: I succeeded...even managed not to indulge in theological debate...hmm. first time since childhood.

later a ticket tomorrow night back up to varanasi...having spent almost two weeks here, wandered through alleys, made a friend of a nun who smiles and prays foe her atheist Scottish friend and a German woman, hilda, who may well be a saint...having spent, too few, mornings in offshoot of motherhouse to spend time with two of the inmates who I'll miss very much and met and fallen for the charms of "scruffy" a beautiful street dog by the hotel....

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