My Angle

By myangle

Garden Orb Spider

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am terrified of spiders. Nothing has changed but I have been watching this lady (yes, we believe it is a female) Garden Orb spider for 3 or 4 days now. She spends the day under the eve of the garage and comes out at night, builds her web and waits. In the morning she de-constructs the web, just leaving an anchor strand between the garage and a bush in the garden.

Did I mention that she is massive?

There is another much smaller one that we saw a few times which we assume is the male. He'd have to be brave to take on this lady.

I am glad we noticed this spider early in the piece. Her web is built between the house and my BBQ area. I can't imagine what would have happened had I stumbled though that after a few wines on my way to the BBQ.

Apparently this type of spider lives for about an year, with the females laying their eggs late summer, early autumn. So right about now.

Jo is quite amazed that I have taken an interest given my track record with spiders. I'm not sure why either. The other night while she was building her web a gust of wind brought her perilously close to my face. That was a bit of a brown moment I must admit.

She is a magnificent spider though.

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