Mr B's first steak pie. (We had to clarify for MrLiteral - otherwise known as CarbBoy - that we meant the first one he had made rather than the first he had eaten.)
School office this morning to write a million cheques, figure out some tricky issues with my colleague and finalise plans for the new school garden. Then home for gardening. Today spinach and lettuce in the veg garden (with a fleecy duvet against tonight's clear skies), most of the flower seeds planted and snuggled up in the cold frame, and the front of the terrace almost finished.
Lunch outside - a very pleasantly warm day. The afternoon saw a trip to the tip to swap some uncompostible garden rubbish for wonderful warm black compost.
With Mr B in charge of food production this evening, I carried on with garden tasks until my muscles could take no more. I suspect some collapsing on the sofa and more Game of Thrones beckons...
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