A slightly frantic start to the day, with last minute cleaning and tidying for the arrival of A, TallGirl's exchange student from Cadiz. Once TallGirl's room was (wow) clean and tidy, the man from Ikea arrived with a bunch of bookshelves for her... So I hastily threw them together, screwed them (mostly) to the wall and helped her throw books in their general direction.
Finally, it was time to go up to school to collect A. A gaggle of parents and a few dozen very much over-excited French kids stood around in the lobby until the Spanish teacher announced that the coach was here, and we poured out onto the (dark) village square to meet them. Quite how everyone managed to be united with the correct person (who they'd never met) in the dark I don't know, but we found A and headed off home.
She had very kindly brought presents for all - this beautiful carré for me, wine and ham for me and Mr B, a lego set for CarbBoy and a bag for TallGirl. Though we were firmly told to only speak in French to her, it seemed cruel to put her through that on her first night - when she speaks English so well.
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