Edinburgh bound

What a busy, busy day.

Morning walk. 

Watch Jeremy Kyle.

Play on Fistral Beach in Newquay with my orange bouncy ball.  Except I didn’t want to play with my orange bouncy ball, I wanted to go rock climbing and roll on stinky things.

Lunch at the Lewinnick Lodge which is very dog friendly.  But do you know what?  ……….The humans didn’t give me any little titbits.  Boohoo.

Drop off Ann’s friend, Fiona, at Newquay airport.

Drive to Derbyshire.  Boring ‘on my lead’ walk around a service station car park en-route.

Arrive at Ann’s sisters.  Run straight to the back door to see if Bracken the bunny is in his run.  He’s not??!!

Gobble up my dinner in case Alfie the bearded collie gets it.

Rest, relax, sleep!

Heading to Edinburgh tomorrow and I have to be on my bestest behaviour because we are meeting WalkingMarj for lunch. Yay.

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